
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pretty Shuttles

A little while back, I treated myself to some beautiful shuttles from La Cossette's Etsy shop. Quite a few tatters had been showing off theirs, and I decided to get some for myself. I liked these floral designs from previous sales better than the ones currently in the shop, but she was happy to take a special order and had them ready very soon. I miss the posts on the back a little, but these shuttles are a pleasure to tat with. The surface has just a little texture which is good for a firm grip, and I feel a bit elegant when my tools are nice.

Here are a few more pictures of the apple wood Pop-a-Bobbin shuttle I received from Sally. I already thought this shuttle was lovely, and then later I was really touched to find out that the wood was special, having come from a tree that belonged to her father.

At last, pretty shuttles for bobbin shuttle tatters!


  1. The shuttles from La Cosette are gorgeous! I love the ones I have from her as well! :D

  2. There is something about having pretty tatting tools that makes a sublime experience even better! But the icing on the cake is scoring a pretty shuttle (or three) that is well crafted.

    I have heard La Cossette will decorate a shuttle without amputating the winder area, if asked. It might be worth a custom order if you really miss the extra length.
