
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back to the Challenge with Cintamani

My current personal challenge for the 25 Motif Challenge was to count only motifs worked from books.  I have a bad tendency to get tatting books and never actually work any of their patterns despite my best intentions, so I was trying to work on that.  I'm not doing a very good job.  I've lost count of when I started, and how many I have done, but I suspect the number is embarrassingly low.  I'll go back and count later.

Anyway, periodically, I pick myself back up and try again.  Jon generously gave me a copy of her book, Elegant Tatting Gems, and I have been admiring the motifs on other blogs.  Here is "Cintamani"  which I admired for its curves and being worked all in one pass.  I used a size 80 thread by Anchor, which is a gentle mixture of blue and white.  I recommend the book, with many 6 sided motifs.  Each pattern has both written instructions and a diagram.  Depending on your thread choice, they can be snowflakes or small doilies.  Mine is just over 2 inches across at the widest point.


  1. Gorgeous pattern and beautiful colour.

  2. Being fascinated with. # 80 thread at the moment, I was keenly interested in this motif, tatted small. Very pretty,

    I shall dig out the lovely book and get the Perfect Qullter wound...soon!
    Fox : )

  3. This is so dainty i love it!

  4. That's very pretty. I too tend to get new books and then take forever to actually make something from them. Oh well, lots to look forward to.

  5. Really pretty!! I am still practicing but I think the more I practice the better I will get and I can make something this intricate.

  6. Beautiful motif, and a lovely color. I have also admired many of Jon's motifs on other blogs. Guess I'll have to get the book. I do tat patterns from books I buy. Can't wait til your book comes out.

  7. I tend to do the same thing, but I enjoy looking at my tatting books for inspiration, so I don't beat myself up over it. ;-)

    I love the way this snowflake looks in size 80. I'm working through Jon's book in size 20 just so I get the idea of how the pattern flows. Somehow, I seem to make multiple mistakes the first time I tat a pattern.

  8. Beautiful. I love how sinuous it is and in size 80 thread it's very dainty.

  9. That is so beautiful!!! :)

  10. That is a great idea to tat things from books...I too tend to collect and to peruse but not to actually pull the trigger on pattens from books...I guess we are lucky that there are such a wealth of patterns on the Internet...and of course you with your own patterns. Well done.
