This is my new toy. Well, sort of new. It was a Christmas present, and I've actually been playing with it a little over a month.
Last year, I went to an event at the park which included Revolutionary War era crafts. A lady there showed spinning with a drop spindle. I was seized with the desire to spin some yarn and knit a shawl. Which was insane, since I hadn't knitted in years, perhaps decades.
I find spinning to be a bit like meditation as I can do it and empty my mind of all else. It is very relaxing, (except when it's frustrating). My yarn is still thick and thin with occasional lumps. It takes a lot of practice to get good. It has been a long time since I've tried to learn something new, so this is a good experience for me. Besides hours spent spinning, I've spent hours lurking about on Youtube and Ravelry trying to learn more.
Next time, back to tatting.
Making Slow Progress
I'm making slow progress on the flame lilies. I thought I'd be finished by
now, but things crop up. I put an extra yellow stitch at the bottom of the ...
6 days ago