Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Spring at Last

While the rest of Tattingland is hard at work on the 2016 Renulek doily, here I am just finishing the one from 2015.  I had planned to finish it in time for the fair, but I decided rushing was not doing the quality of my tatting any good.  I finished the tatting a while back, but there were ends to sew in. Lots and lots of ends...

Monday, May 09, 2016


I've been tatting a little and spinning a little, but nothing worth showing yet, in part because I've also been spending a lot of time out doors instead.  Here is my personal plot in the neighborhood garden.  It's looking a bit over grown here since I had not picked the lettuce and spinach for some days when it was too rainy.  So far, so good, with the plastic fencing to keep out the deer.

I wish I were as good with growing flowers.  When I plant flower seeds, I never know if I am planting them, or simply burying them, RIP.