Well, it's been over a week since the Finger Lakes Tatting Guild (Hector) convention, and I am still catching up. I was worn out by the time I got home, but I was glad I went. Karey and her group put together an excellent weekend.
Here is a group hard at work in a class.
More classes. Note the lovely shawl tatted from a Mary Konior motif worn by the lady in the right of the picture.
Ginny teaching and a few of her lovely ornaments.
Plenty of stuff to buy.
More lovely tatting.
Meanwhile DH and DS3 went to the park. Western NY has some beautiful places.
Making Slow Progress
I'm making slow progress on the flame lilies. I thought I'd be finished by
now, but things crop up. I put an extra yellow stitch at the bottom of the ...
6 days ago