Monday, April 13, 2015

Happy Happy

This is my favorite week of the year, and I've got a few days off to enjoy it.  

In mid-April, the dogwoods and azaleas are in bloom.

So are those pink trees, whatever they are.

It's a good time to walk to the park, or to the lake.

It's a good time to play in the flower garden,

....or the vegetable garden.

Tomorrow, it's supposed to rain.  I can stay inside and get some tatting done.


  1. Gorgeous views & such pretty flowers :-) Spring is the best !

  2. Those pink trees are my favorite! They're redbuds!

    Beautiful pictures, Martha.

  3. Beautiful! We're lagging behind here in Illinois, but hopefully we'll see some color soon.

  4. I love the pictures,I too have been enjoying the flowers :)

  5. I love this time of year too! So beautiful...

  6. Eastern Redbud, if you want to be picky. :-) (There is a Western Redbud. Of course, you're unlikely to find it in the Southeast.) I love them, too. I've planted several.
    Is there Serviceberry where you live? It blooms just before the redbuds, white, feathery flower.

    1. Well, there were white trees blooming before these. Some of them may have been Bradford pears though.

  7. You have a lovely garden, our trees are just begining to come to life, we don't have dogwoods, but we do have cherry trees and magnolias which are flowering
