Wednesday, January 22, 2025

News Flash - Finger Lakes Tatting Conference Early Registration

In case you didn't know...

The Finger Lakes Tatting Conference will be held this year, April 4 - 6.  I always have a wonderful time.  There is a great line-up of teachers coming (isn't there always?) This year's conference will be at a new venue in Burdett, NY, which looks closer to Watkins Glen than before.  Early registration discount price is in effect through February 1.  

For complete information, visit the Finger Lakes Tatting Group site HERE.

Below are projects from the class I will be teaching.  It looks like a Dorset button, but is made differently using a tatting shuttle, and then you tat a motif around it.



  1. These look like great fun!

  2. Beautiful with the dorset button in the middle

  3. Those are beautiful! Looking forward to seeing you there!

  4. Oh, those look great!!! :)
