Jane's post today reminds me that I have been really remiss in failing to show the give-away I won from Diane, the Lace Loving Librarian. It arrived just as I was leaving town, and I meant to post once I got back, but got distracted by the real world.
Above is the best part, a really pretty shuttle she decorated herself. Isn't it nice? I really like pink, so this is just perfect.
Everything was inside this nice little satin-y pouch. Poor lighting conditions don't do the color justice.
Inside was the shuttle, some vintage size 80 thread, a sample of Sulky thread, an EZ-Bob for winding thread, and a charm clip. Such nice goodies!
I've been really lucky with the give-aways lately. Watch this space for a give-away of my own, probably in January.
Thanks again to Diane!