Classes have been announced for this year's TatDays. The TatDay page link is HERE. This year's theme is "Tatting Angels Among Us." There are lots of angel patterns, but other things too.
On that page, there are links near the top for the list of teachers, classes, class schedule, & etc. There are lots of teachers this year. I see many who have often taught before and some new names too.
The class page is still in progress. You can see pictures of all the projects (I'm excited!), and they are gradually filling in all the descriptions. Since I'm teaching so many classes, I have just one free period. I've already picked out my class to take. I think... decisions, decisions....
The classes I am teaching are all listed as shuttle tatting. Needle tatters are welcome, but I'm not experienced enough with it to be able to help you adapt the patterns.
Registration is supposed to start late May or early June, so keep checking back.
I am only teaching one (my first!). So, I will be signing up for as many of yours as I can!